Everyone has worth, value and dignity. This is a statement of essence, rather than behaviour. At times, I may not esteem or accept what a person does. But always, I esteem and accept what he or she is.
— Ian Stewart

This quote from Transactional Analyst Ian Stewart explains what is meant by “I’m OK, You’re OK”, an approach to others which lies at the heart of this method of psychotherapy, which originated as a group therapy to analyse the interactions - or transactions - between individuals.

Not everyone will want to enter into talking therapy - but everyone can benefit from the knowledge of basic TA concepts. Transactional Analysis is a highly accessible way of understanding what goes on within us and between us, using everyday language to explore the human mind, and its concepts can be put into practice right away - with the very next person you talk to, in fact!

Stoney Meadow Psychoeducation aims to raise awareness amongst more people, particularly those in education, about basic TA concepts that can be applied in order to improve our relationships with others. Relationships are the basis of a well-functioning society and a rich existence, so it is our responsibility to keep working on making them better and better.

Get in touch to book onto my “Introduction to Transactional Analysis” six-part CPD series for education staff, to arrange bespoke training for your school or college inset, or to enquire about TA enrichment days for sixth-form students.